Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary

When it comes to giving your child a helping hand when it comes to their education, a large part of it comes down to their vocabulary.

The world is changing, and soft skills and communication are becoming more and more important. You have the potential as a parent to define your child’s communication skills are going to define who they become as a person. When children get to high school, it becomes more and more difficult to help them flex their linguistic skills, and thus, it becomes incredibly important to make strides when your child is still, in fact, a child. Here are our top five ways to improve your child’s vocabulary, no matter the age!

1) The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Friends

Everyone remembers the Eric Carle book, right? Well now, this app uses the illustrations of the classic book to help children learn new words. The easy-to-use interface is perfect for pre-schoolers and is easy enough to use on their own. Plus, you can use the app to teach your kids Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese or German, also!

COST: $2.99

2) Free Rice

Imagine if you could combine a love of vocabulary and an education about poverty reduction in the third world? Well, you can! The Free Rice Project by the United Nations is a fantastic way for students to learn great new words AND help to help hunger. For each answer your student gets right, the World Food Programme will donate 10 grains of rice to help end hunger in the developing world. The test goes up or down in difficulty depending on the capacity of the student, but it always encourages the students to do well! There are a number of other subjects available, too!

COST: Free

3) Endless Alphabet

This great app will be a sure-fire hit with the kids. Endless Alphabet uses awesome animations to help students expand their vocabulary and works on phonics skills as well. There are constantly more words being added and this is a great way for children to learn new words in an easy format. There is no objective or end-result; it is all about learning new words, endlessly. Definitely worth the download!

COST: $8.99

4) Wordsmith

Older students will get a kick out of this website if you position it in the right way. This “Word A Day” platform will give them the ammunition to outmaneuver the other students in their class. Subscribe them to their school email to the word-a-day email and they will be at the top of their English class in no time! The website has a number of other functionalities, including an anagram server and live chats with authors. This website truly is all about discovering the magic of words!

COST: Free

5) PowerVocab Word Game

This tool is a fun, interactive game that will help students elevate their vocabulary to unheard-of levels. The app allows students to develop the critical skill of utilising clever words to make their point. The app features a number of different ways to learn and allows for easy use. There is also a competitive angle here, whereby you can share your scores on Facebook, or play against friends also using the app. One key feature is the dictionary-like function that allows you to search for the definition of a word.

COST: Free

For more information on how to improve your child’s vocabulary, contact us today so we can create a customised approach.

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